Do You Believe In Reincarnation? with author and reseacher Jan Henson Dow

The Morris Public Library welcomes back Morris author and researcher Jan Henson Dow with her new presentation “Do You Believe in Reincarnation?” Wednesday, March 19, 6:30 PM.
In her new talk, Ms. Dow will speak about reincarnation, a common belief throughout the world. The speaker will explore the idea that the Spirit never dies but comes back in successive lives to deal with the previous mistakes.
Jan is an author, researcher and an award-winning playwright, including an NBC New Voices Award. Her plays have received numerous productions, workshops, and staged readings around the country. Jan is Professor Emeritus at Western Connecticut State University. Her memoir “My Passionate Life” is published by Phosphene Publishing Company. Jan lives in Morris, CT.
Registration is required with the library: 860-567-7440 or