"Wit for Brains," Discussion and Signing with David Fisher

“Wit for Brains,” Discussion and Signing with Morris Author David Fisher, Morris Public Library, Tuesday, February 4, 6:30 pm
Join local Morris author David Fisher for discussion and signing of his new book “Wit for Brains,” Morris Public Library (4 North Street, Morris, CT) on Tuesday, February 4 (snow date – February 6), 6:30 pm.
“Wit for Brains” is an anthology of eclectic poems, playful rhymes, and tongue twisted writings to explore by both young and old. Additionally, there is a sprinkling of the author's philosophy of looking at things from a different point of view. This is new work from the author of "The Story Less Traveled,” and "Same Wit, Different Day”.
David’s passion for rhyming in his stories, poems and lyrics helps him create his whimsical poems and short stories that are amazingly entertaining yet true to life.
David’s works have been published in the Best of the Litchfield Community Writers’ Group anthologies and local newspapers.
The author lives and works in the northwest hills of Connecticut.
To register: https://morrispubliclibrary.net/library-calendar-event-registration/ or 860-567-7440