Table Reading: 4 a.m. Friends

Marlene Deitrich said, “It’s the friends you can call up at 4 a.m. that matter.”
We all have those friends, the ones who understand you when you think no one will, who gently break your heart about love because you know they speak truth, the ones who pick leopard bras when all you want is a pink bow, who surprise you with an alligator in a garden, the ones who might talk you into a misdemeanor or two when necessary.
Becca, Tammy, and Kim are those kinds of 4 a.m. Friends, with humor and heart — the ties that bind. A myriad of iconic moments, people, and fashion from the 1970s onward propel these friends through six short plays as they fight, argue, support, and love through some of life’s most challenging hurdles, growing from their teens to their sixties.
The Table Reading Series is produced by Gracewell Productions.